This is me back to Beirut (I think I was near Zouk Mikael)
I think these 2 pics were taken in Jounieh
near the sea road, trying to catch up with Arne.
Near Halat, after a couple of flat tires!
(From left to right: Arne and his Raleigh bike, Me and my Tommaso bike
and Otter's "Seven" bike (Otter was taking the pictures,
Many thanks to him)
25 commentaires:
NT how did you make it to halat? Was there a hershey bar (or munchies) waiting for you over there? fehmak kfeyeh!
Exactly! And I was under dopes that day. All kinds (EPO, Nandrolone, Testosterone) with a Hematocrite level above even 60.
Are you happy now, m*18 (oups, I'm seeing doubles, since i'm under the effect of Alcohol (You know, I'm an alcoholic too)
Naah those are fake pics...il a fait le jeu sur adobe lol :D
De jbeil a beyrouth!!!!!!
I know. And i am glad you finally admitted it! there is no shame in facing your flaws!
You rule
Cheers Mate :D
I told you this is the only explanation... a hershey bar! and long long line of coke!!!
Why are you so jealous of Trobilis M...hein???
Enu you got your car, leave him alone with his tomato ketchup bike!!!
OMG Nobilis you didn't cave in to the DAILY SNIVELER DID YOU?!??! For shame... You know you always pass those drug tests with flying colors why mock your achievements?
He's probably obsessing because...I bet he didn't brush the part of his car where the bug hit it this morning. See with you on the bike they just slide around the slipstream with cars... it's explosive bug juice and carnage.
10x Krys for beleiving in my abilities :P
mX9: at least I admit it, unlike other people which nickname starts with an "m" and ends with an "m" with some "m"s in the middle :P
I WILL get you some day:D,
mni7a all he needs is some fries :D
Tobilis, quelque chose m'intrigue....comment ca se fait que vous vous etes pas faits ecrases???
Don't make fun of my woman/bike!!!!!!
You will see the other side of me!
Je me suis fais écrasé la fois précédente, en assayant d'éviter une voiture. Mais c'était pas si sérieux. Qques égratignures
yeah the silly woman was on the phone in her GIANT SUV. She just figured she'd slide the car over to avoid the speed bump.. but she nearly turned NOBILIS into a speed bump himself! It was shocking and as a witness to this horrific ignorance I must say I was ashamed to share the road with 4 wheelers!
Woman should not get behind a steering wheel...........unless it's a formula one car!!
Oh I so hate you right now ...
Why do you hate me AM?
Is it something I said or something I did?
I looooooooove biking
unfortunatly, still cold chez nous.. Awal Ayar bikoun dayman Awal nhar biking
That's good news khawwta
Btw, where do u live?
A3ali kesrouan aw iza baddak jroud Kesrouan.. ya3ni 3a irtifa3 1400m..
WOw. It should be awesome for cycling too. During the summer, we move also to the mountain, a3ali Liban Nord in Hadath El Joubbeh, Bcharre (1450m). I beat you by 50m :P
HAdath el Jebbeh.. Intresting.. sou2 3a mahlak
coucou...y a quelqu'un???
i swear our countries are like identical..
such a shame we know so little about each other and cant seem to have a decent relationship..
i hope it changes..
hope we never war again..
Good words.
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