mardi, septembre 25, 2007


To make things more interactive, I’m going to reply to a post by poshlemon by stating my fears because as ella said, we all have fears but few of us have the guts to face them. My fears can also be as silly as MMMMMMMMM’s (according to him)

I’m afraid of walking on the borders of the sidewalk.
I’m afraid of sudden changes in my life. I like things to be stable, therefore I hate when I get used to someone or something, to end it radically.
I’m afraid of cockroaches as much as I prefer not to kill them. (Refer to a previous post of mine)
I’m afraid of the crowd as much as I adore loneliness.
I’m afraid to reread my exam after I’m done with it.
I’m afraid of meeting new people.
I’m afraid of being misunderstood, which happens often.
I’m afraid to look at people straight in the eyes. (However, I do it often seeking for eye contact with girls on the street)
I’m afraid of disclosing what I really feel about someone or something.
I’m afraid to share my emotions.
I’m afraid to reveal my identity.
I’m afraid of being judged and criticized, although I know it’s very healthy.
I’m afraid of light as much as I worship the dark.
I’m afraid of the truth, therefore, as a first remedy, tell me openly, what you think of me.

lundi, septembre 17, 2007

nobilis tobilis the Phoenician

I had this strange feeling when I’ve been told that I’m of Phoenician origins. This was in a study conducted in collaboration with National Geographic, the Genographic project. I felt overwhelmed with mixed emotions of joy and pride, to be of Phoenician origins, one of the greatest and most ancient civilizations, which once invented the alphabet.
It’s a shame how people are behind the rise of one civilization, whereas now, in Lebanon, people are behind its downfall.

vendredi, septembre 07, 2007

Work out after Blood Donation

Just a question. Yesterday, I ran for 10K 2 hours after the regular 500 ml blood donation. But it wasn't bad. I didn't feel anything wrong.
Is it bad?
The reason behind this is because I'm edgy by nature and like to take things to the extreme. I think that this is what spices up one's life.

lundi, septembre 03, 2007


Un grand hommage à notre armée libanaise, qui a payé tant de sacrifices et de sang pour défendre notre nation et nous épargner la catastrophe.

Un dernier hommage à tous les soldats blessés et martyrs, notamment au Lieutenant Maroun Litani , que j’ai connu pendant ma première année d’études de Maîtrise mais s’est choisi un différent destin, celui de défendre la fierté et la dignité de notre nation et a payé de sa vie pour préserver notre entité libanaise.