samedi, décembre 31, 2005

Khaddam : The good surprise!

What a great way to finish this oh so gloomy year that the world had in general, and Lebanon in particular, with all the assassinations that became part of our daily life. Khaddam did it yesterday! Maybe he's not one of the greatest men. Maybe he was the architect of syria's domination in Lebanon. However, the speech that Khaddam had yesterday is considered like a bomb, that will help the investigation for the assassination of PM Hariri and all the other assassinations and terrorist attacks in Lebanon that are, without any doubt, interrelated. I feel so relieved that the Baath terrorist regime in Syria that exerced his power, his tyranny on Lebanon for 30 years (By the way, some Lebanese still don't know the fate of the detainees in syria's prison) and still exercing it over its own people is beginning to fall. This is the beginning of the end. The end of a dark era for either Lebanese and Syrian people.
By the way, have you seen the reaction of the syrian parliament on TV. Why do they have a parliament? MPs are programmed like robots!
Yesterday, the people who enjoy listening to tarab music singer Abdel Halim Hafez, were enjoying the other Abdel Halim.

lundi, décembre 26, 2005

Tsunami : un an déjà...

26 décembre 2004, le jour où l'Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est s'est réveillée pour se trouver face à la plus grande tragédie que le monde ait jamais connue de nos temps. C'était une des plus grande catastrophe naturelle que notre Mother Nature nous a réservé. Ce genre de catastrophe (raz de marée, séismes, éruptions volcaniques) sont inévitables. On se retrouve parfois dans la vie confronté à des sors ou des destins auxquelles on n'y peut rien. C'est le destin! (parfoius, dans mon blog, j'utilise des termes élastiques, qui pourraient avoir diverses significations, selon l'individu, comme le terme destin, bref on en reparlera après) Un an après la tragédie qui a frappé des pays qui connaissent déjà pas mal d'enuis, comme l'Inde, le Sri Lanka, le Bangladesh et les iles maldives paradisiaques mais aussi la Thailande, La Malaisie, L'Indonésie voire des pays du continent africain! Un an après, des preoches des victimes, des survivants, des déplacés et des sans abris sont venus aux vastes endroits sinistrés afin de se recueillir ou de remercier ceux qui leur ont donné la chance de vivre une nouvelle vie.
Dans ce coin du monde, plus de 200 000 personnes ont perdu la vie. On n'y pouvait rien faire. Alors que dans notre pays, le Liban, des milliers de personnes ont été tuées durant la guerre et le scénario n'est toujours pas terminé. Le metteur en scène (quiconque qu'il soit) a décidé de poursuivre le scénario de massacre, de bombes à la voiture piégée touchant des personnes innocentes ou luttant pour la libération du Liban et pour la liberté indivuelle, liberté de presse, liberté de penser.
Partout dans le monde, en Asie durant les ras de marées, Katrina ou Rita en Amérique, on a essayer d'éviter l'inévitable alors qu'ici ou ailleurs, des personnes qui ne méritent pas la vie, essaient de manipuler le destin des autres et de contrôler l'avenir et le sort de tout un pays pour leur propres intérêts.

Template change

One question : Should I change my template? I don't know why I chose this one. Ma ybe because it was the last on the list but I'm getting bored of it and i think my blog needs to be more active. Try to suggest me colours for example, according to what u think of me so far and my personnality. Maybe you think I'm blue or maybe dark. I will also make a poll for this topic so that I will have both qualitative and quantitative feed-back from you. (Oh! that sounds a lot like a public health course called IDHL 310)

dimanche, décembre 25, 2005

Bad weather Good weather

I wanna find out about something. Why does the bad weather is always described as cold weather, rain, snow. And the hot weather is rather a hot one with humidity. Weather is not asubjective notion. We cannot describe it as bad, good. It's how we, animals (yes we are among the animals, and our specie is Homo sapiens sapiens) For me, a weather with rain, snow, fog, tornadoes storms is a beautiful weather that let me feel in equilibrium with myself.
Au moins, je ne suis pas allergique à ce climat. Quand il fait chaud, je vis des crises d'éternuements, démangeaisons, problèmes respiratoires etc qui pourront se compliquer jusqu'au choc anaphylactique (peut-être c'est pas comme ça que ça s'ecrit)
En plus, des études ont montré que les étudiants performent mieux aux examens en hiver qu'en été.
Conclusion : I'm enjoying my time these days with this great weather that we have in Lebanon, specially during christmas. I hope it will continue like that. This weather gives big boost for inspiration

samedi, décembre 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I think you noticed all of you who have been reading my blog lately that I'm not being productive tese days and my messages are consisting of greetings, congratulations, copy/paste messages etc. Why? I think there are several reasons. First of all, I was overloaded these days. Lots of work in the faculty of health sciences in AUB. But since holidays just started, it's no oonger an excuse. Well in fact, the connection in my house, with all the bad weather is not too fast and since I'm impatient these days (maybe because i'm not meditating regularly) so i hate waiting for each page to open. And in addition to that, I'm passing a critical moment in my life (well maybe not life, short term effects I think, I hope so)
Sorry for leaving you with this gloomy mood
BTW, let me before leaving, to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS (since it's the main topic of the message)

vendredi, décembre 23, 2005

A message from Lebanese expatriates

To our fellow Lebanese

This article is addressed to you from your brothers and sisters from around the world. We, the Lebanese abroad, have a very strong voice and we are taking action. You are not alone because the tragic events taking place in our beloved country have united us globally. The murder of our leaders, fathers, brothers and sisters are bring us closer together.

Our group, Al Moghtarebeen is planning to gather this summer in Beirut to show support for our people in Lebanon and to show the world that the millions of Lebanese abroad will not stand by watching all the tragedies unfold. We plan to travel in large numbers from different parts of the world to be there in Beirut and show everyone that we, the Lebanese, Muslim and Christians, are united in the name of our country Lebanon.

We need the support of groups and organizations in Lebanon and around the world to make this event an unparalleled success and show the world who we are. We are a young group, born after the murder of Mr. Hariri and kept growing with the successive murders, the most recent of which was that of Mr. Tueni.

To all Lebanese groups, to An-Nahar and all media, ministries, embassies, universities, to Mr. Saniora, Mr. Jumblat, Mr. Berri, M. Hariri, M. Michel Aoun, Mrs. Setrida Geagea, M. Mohammad Fneich, and all Lebanese around the world, let us unite and work together to show the world that we are one.

Contact us at – let us work together in support of Lebanon

Note to Editors:
Established in 2005 in the United States, Lebanon Expats and are the voice of Lebanese scholars, businessmen and professionals living abroad. Their mission is to promote the powerful presence of the Lebanese abroad by carrying on social activities that will improve standards of living, and economical activities that will create job opportunities in Lebanon.

In March this year, the group sent a giant Lebanese Flag around the world to obtain signatures from Lebanese living abroad, the flag toured the USA, Canada, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, France and Lebanon.

Un message des expatriés libanais

Cet un message des expatriés libanais du groupe Al Moghtarebeen. Il y aura une version anglaises aussi :

A nos compatriotes Libanais

Cet article s’adresse à vous de vos frères et sœurs des quatre coins du monde. Nous libanais vivant à l’extérieur pouvons transmettre votre message et vous aider à agir pour le bien du Liban. Vous n’êtes pas seuls, vu que les évènements tragiques qui se passent dans notre pays bien-aimé nous ont unis au niveau mondial. L’assassinat de nos responsables, familles, frères et soeurs nous rapproche chaque jour les uns des autres.

Notre groupe, Al Moghtarebeen (les expatriés), compte organiser un rassemblement de solidarité avec le Liban cet été dans le but de montrer au monde entier que les millions de libanais vivant a l’extérieur, n’observent pas passivement les évènements tragiques qui se déroulent l’un après l’autre. Nous comptons voyager des différents parts du monde et venir en grands nombres pour vous rejoindre à Beyrouth et montrer au monde entier que nous, Musulmans ainsi que Chrétiens, sommes unis au nom de notre patrie.

Pour réaliser ce but, nous avons besoin de l’aide des groupes et des sociétés libanaises qui se trouvent au Liban et au monde entier pour faire de cet évènement un succès sans précédant. Nous voudrions montrer au monde qui nous sommes; un groupe récent, qui s’est formé dès le meurtre de M. Hariri et qui a grandi avec les assassinats continus, le plus récent étant celui de M. Tueni.

Nous nous adressons à tous les groupes Libanais, au Nahar et à tous les médias, aux ministères, aux ambassades, aux universités, ainsi qu’à M. Siniora, M. Joumblat, M. Berri, M. Saad Hariri, Mme Setrida Geagea, M. Mohammad Fneich, et à tous les libanais du monde entire. Unissons – nous et travaillons main dans la main pour l’avenir d’un meilleur Liban.

Pour plus d’information, veuillez nous contacter au: – Travaillons ensemble pour soutenir le Liban.

Note to Editors:
Established in 2005 in the United States, Lebanon Expats and are the voice of Lebanese scholars, businessmen and professionals living abroad. Their mission is to promote the powerful presence of the Lebanese abroad by carrying on social activities that will improve standards of living, and economical activities that will create job opportunities in Lebanon.
In March this year, the group sent a giant Lebanese Flag around the world to obtain signatures from Lebanese living abroad, the flag toured the USA, Canada, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, France and Lebanon.

mercredi, décembre 21, 2005

First 100!

Permettez moi de célébrer avec vous mon premier centenaire (en terme de visiteurs) Sans vous fidèles et patients lecteurs, je ne l'aurais jamais fait. Khalas assez de démagogie.

lundi, décembre 19, 2005

Thank you

I would like to thank the few of those who are visiting and supporting my site regularly.
Viola thanls for your comment. By the way, do u have a blog or something similar so that i could visit you.
That's all for now. I am overloaded these days. I don't have enough time to update my blog on a regular basis, but I promise that I will be back in action as soon as possible

vendredi, décembre 16, 2005

Weekly bus trip

Have you guys ever tried to take the bus from Beirut to Tripoli or vice-versa. There is only one decent one which is quite safe to take it. The others are litterally coffins on wheels like the 24-seat and 12-seat hyundai (sorry no publicity) with very good music all the way to tripoli (singers like Ali al-Dik and Ali Dayyoub). I know every kind of music is entwined in its society and reflects it and I know also that art in general and music in particular is subjective bla bla bla but please, allow me to say that this music sucks. It's a really bad music (by the way like most of the new arabic music nowadays). Bref, this is not the topic. I will talk about this later. Let's go back to the Beirut-Tripoli highway (highway?!). I talked about the only decent bus company, well even in this bus, I don't always feel lucky. Since it's a relatively long way from Tripoli to Beirut (1h 30min), I try to seek my own comfort. If nobody sits next to me, i will be very lucky. Unfortunaltely, that does not happen much. Usually, I don't get the opportunity to sit next to a girl, simply because the driver reserves seats for them in the front, as if I'm gonna eat them or something. So, as a result, only men come and sit next to me. There's one thing i'm trying to figure it out. Why do they (even if they are thin) take 1,5 seats? And u can't tell them that they are intruding your personal space because they must be already fell asleep. And sometimes, while they are sleeping, they lean towards me and put their head on my shoulder. And I'm not going to talk about the BO. So each time I have to accomodate with my 0,5 seat with my inseparable blue bag (by the way it's getting dirty, remind me to wash it and to empty it because I still have stuff in it that must be started the process of desintegration or fossilization, it depends on the type of material). I think that, without my mp3 player (Which helps me to evade from the atrocity), I would never be able to make it all the way to Beirut (or Tripoli).
Foreigners, before u come to Lebanon, ask me and I'll give you some advices for a better stay in Lebanon

mercredi, décembre 14, 2005

Dernier Hommage

Je ne voulais pas intégrer la politique dans mon blog mais je pense qu'un homme de l'étoffe de Jibran Tuéni et aux valeurs et idéaux qu'il represente comme la liberté de presse, merite un drenier hommage. Ici ce n'est plus une question de politique. Les valeurs humaines sont violées jour après jour. On vit dans un pays au futur très sombre et lugubre. Je ne veux pas être pessimiste mais franchement, je ne vois aucun signe d'espoir profilant à l'horizon.
Je vous laisse avec le célèbre serment du 14 mars.

jeudi, décembre 08, 2005

The river flows frozen

This is one of my favourite songs. I want to share it with cause music is all about sharing.
The band is Eternal Tears of Sorrow.
The style is gothic.

[Music: Kokko & Puolakanaho][Lyrics: Vetelainen & Kokko & Puolakanaho]

Like frozen leaves We are falling
On to the soil so barren and cold
The rays of sun
No more warming
Our hearts now so cold
Through this fieldOf the withered flowers
We go
still one more time
The hidden beautyForever gone
The river's frozen once again
So came this time
When moonlight blackened my heart:
I can't stand this pain
The chain is broken
It's tearing open my scars:
I want to feel the flame...again
The shine behindThe frozen stream
Reminds me of your eyes
The spark of hope
Still in my heart
Shall dreams become true
under the ice?

mercredi, décembre 07, 2005


An Illiterate person is someone who can't read and write any language. Personally, I'm not illiterate because I write and read even in many languages (Arabic, French, English and even Spanish). However, I think there is a problem nowadays. Another criteria should be added in order to define illiteracy.Typing! Since things are evolving and we are using keyboards more than pens. I can type in Franch, English, Spanish even German if you want! But I can't type in ARABIC. Well perhaps I could but it will take me light years to type a tiny paragraph. I'm Illiterate in ARABIC

samedi, décembre 03, 2005

Your search has returned no results

Back from my quest and unfortunately, no hits. Maybe because of the keywords that I've chosen. It's all about keywords and how to choose them for a better search or maybe because the longest trip that i've done was from my room to the bathroom and vice-versa. No wait, I passed by the kitchen once or twice. Ok that's enough. I have to get back to my paper about female genital mutilation, or cutting, or circumcision or whatever it was, it is a savage, nonhuman practice that has to be stopped.

vendredi, décembre 02, 2005


I'm sitting here in my room. I have too much work to do, but I don't know, I don't feel like studying (I have to finish this paper, due this monday) I feel like I have nausea. I'm typing and I don't reaaly want to type. What's happening to me? I feel the void in my stomach (but I ate), in my head ( this is not new) and in my external environment. I feel that something is missing, (maybe a girl?) Well, I'll go find a girl and go back with a better mood, I promise

mardi, novembre 29, 2005


Well I didn't take make me too much time to repost. I think that these are the first symptoms of the Blogaholiasis syndrom. I finished my GA work for today and I'm going downstairs to see my friend (by the way she has a blog and I will link it to u) I was having a little talk with her and we found out that we're afraid of the open air surfaces. We also try to stay in covered areas, to feel more safe, more sheltered just like the way cats do it (and by the way I like cats) For example, in the computer lab, I always choose the computer in the corner. I didn't notice that till my friend told me. Well societies are changing and people are changing too. We are more individualistic. We're trying to make friends through the internet and this is making us even more alone.

First post

This must be my first message in this blog. I don't know yet in which language should I write. It depends. I think it will be mostly in french, sometimes en english or even in spanish if the topic wasn't that deep because I'm not that good in spanish but I'm improving (si, de verdad!)
It's all for now coz I have some GA work to do (GA = graduate assistantship).
Ah non avant de vous quitter, je voudais me présenter car je ne sais pas si mon profile est affiché. Je viens d'avoir 25 ans ( 24 novembre) donc il n'est toujours pas trop tard pour m'offrir un cadeau. Je fais un master en santé publique à l'AUB (American University of Beirut) donc je vis à Beyrouth (mais pour le week-end à Tripoli au Liban-Nord)
That's all folks!